Medical Issues That Orthopedic Physicians Treat

Orthopedic physicians treat a wide variety of medical issues that impact the skeletal system. If you develop any of the following problems, an orthopedist will be able to diagnose and treat the issue appropriately.

Fractured Bones

When a bone breaks, the bone must be set and kept in a cast so that it regrows properly. Sometimes, the bone also has to be reinforced with internal supports that are inserted by a surgeon. In either case, an orthopedic physician has the expertise needed to treat fractured bones.

While other doctors might know how to set a bone in a splint temporarily, an orthopedic physician's specialty is the skeletal system. They have the in-depth expertise that's needed to ensure a bone doesn't just get set properly but also continues to heal by growing back correctly.

Fractured bones, of course, can be sustained in sports injuries, car accidents, falls and other incidents. No matter the cause of a fracture, an orthopedic physician is the right type of doctor to take care of this issue.


Arthritis is a condition that causes pain in the joints, and there are a couple of common types. Osteoarthritis is usually age-related and develops as joints are used. The joints simply wear down over time, and they become more painful as the cartilage in joints wears out. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain at any age.

Since joints are where two bones come together, arthritis falls within the domain of an orthopedic physician's specialty. 

Should you develop arthritis, an orthopedic physician can recommend medication, joint injections or joint replacement as appropriate. Medication and injections can be administered at an orthopedic physician's office or outpatient clinic. Joint replacement typically requires hospitalization for a few days.

Back Pain

The spine is made up of a series of small bones, which are called vertebrae. An orthopedic physician will know how to treat these bones if an issue develops in the spine. 

Some common spinal conditions include back pain, spinal stenosis and ruptured disks. Spinal stenosis narrows spaces around the vertebrae, which can pinch nerves. Ruptured disks happen when a softer disc that lies between two vertebrae breaks.

As is the case with joint issues, these problems might be treated with medication, injection or surgery. 


Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones. The disease is common in older women, and some medications can cause it as a side effect. An orthopedic physician can also treat this condition.

To learn more, contact an orthopedic physician.
